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Vue - The Future of Javascript Frameworks

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used to build front-end user interfaces. Since it came out in 2014, developers have slowly started to pay attention to Vue. This is primarily due to its effectiveness in building scalable, maintainable, and resource-efficient applications.

The framework's lightweight and adaptable nature, ease of use, and powerful features make it a good choice for building applications. But because new technologies and frameworks are coming out much more often than they used to, the competition is stronger than ever.

Here are the questions: Will Vue be the most popular front-end framework in 2023?

1. What is Vue?

Vue is a Model-View-ViewModel front-end JavaScript framework that focuses on the view layer and supports a component-based architecture.

This framework is a great way to create complex single-page applications (SPAs). And with an incremental design that allows for incremental customization, developers don't have to go all out from the get-go. Instead, you can start small, add tools and features as you need them, and change your application architecture to use Vue over time.

2. Some outstanding features of Vue include:

VueJS is primarily used for building web interfaces and one-page applications. Apart from that, its HTML extensions and JS base work in tandem with the Electron framework, making it a highly preferred front-end tool as it can be applied to both desktop and mobile app development.

2.1. Faster and Smaller:

Vue.js is lightweight at around 20 KB and performs great at warp speeds. Vue is the fastest framework. Its rendering layer was rewritten using a lightweight virtual DOM implementation that was forked from Snabbdom.

All dependencies in Vue.js are tracked during rendering, and the system decides which components should reflect the changed state. This lets Vue know which parts of the view need to be re-rendered and which don't. This makes responding to your application much faster.

2.2. Composition API:

The configuration API is a set of APIs that allow you to create Vue components using imported functions instead of declaring options. This is an umbrella term covering the following APIs:

  • Reactive API. You can create reactive states, computed states, and observers directly using ref() and reactive().

  • Lifecycle hooks such as onMounted() and onUnmounted() let you programmatically hook into a component's lifecycle.
  • Dependency Injection, d. H. deploy() and inject() allows you to take advantage of Vue's dependency injection system while working with reactive APIs.

2.3. TypeScript Support:

TypeScript is a syntactic superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. This basically means that TypeScript adds syntax via JavaScript and allows developers to add types. TypeScript is a "syntax superset." In other words, it shares the same basic syntax as JavaScript but with some additions.

JavaScript is a loosely typed language. Understanding the types of data passed in JavaScript can be difficult. In JavaScript, function parameters and variables have no information! So the developer must consult the documentation or guess based on the implementation. TypeScript lets you say what kind of data is being passed into your code and tells you if the data types don't match.

For example, if you pass a string to a function that expects a number, TypeScript will report an error. JavaScript is not. TypeScript uses compile-time type checking. That is, it checks whether the specified types match before code execution, not during code execution.

2.4. Better Reactivity:

Vue's reactivity machine works by means of deeply changing simple JavaScript items into reactive proxies. The deep conversion may be pointless or from time to time undesirable while integrating with outside nation control systems (e.g., if an outside answer additionally makes use of proxies).

The widespread concept of integrating Vue's reactivity machine with an outside nation's control is to preserve the outside nation in a shallow reference. A shallow ref is most reactive while its price assets are accessed; the internal price is left intact. When the outside nation changes, update the reference price to cause updates.

2.5. Custom Renderer API:

So what are render functions in Vue? Render functions create the virtual DOM, which is then used to render the DOM and keep it updated. These work behind the scenes of template tags and convert each element and piece of text to virtual DOM nodes. Vue keeps an eye on the virtual node to see if it changes. If it does, it renders the necessary HTML to update the browser's DOM.

Create a custom renderer. You can use Vue's middle runtime to target non-DOM environments by providing platform-specific APIs for adding and manipulating nodes.


  • Auth0 - Auth0 is used to handle authentication for your application.
  • Cloudinary - This is a video and image management service used for all media processes on e-commerce websites.
  • Vuex - Vuex is responsible for managing the state of your application.
  • Tachyons - This is a CSS framework used by e-commerce websites.
  • Paystack – Paystack acts as a payment gateway for all purchases made on e-commerce stores.
  • Vue Router - The Vue Router acts as a connection that connects various Vue components, allowing rendering and display based on user navigation.

3. Conclusion:

There is a strong preference for a JavaScript framework due to the fact that it is easy to paint with and stands proud for its simplicity, progressivity, and flexibility. It is safe to say that Vue isn't always going anywhere anytime soon because it has the support and usage of significant organizations and a very active community.

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